



Happiness Is A Side Effect Of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

Happiness is a Side Effect of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

Happiness is a Side Effect of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

It's a beautiful day to be alive here at the peak of recorded human history



Now, this is a very strange thing you see, that it is partly true
That the universe so far as its biological aspect is concerned
Is this weird system that lives by everybody eating everybody else
Only what we do to maintain what is called order and civilization
Is that various species make agreement that they won't eat each other
They'll cooperate and so be an enormous gang which can beat down the others
So the human being is the most successful, so far, of this gangster arrangement
We are the most predatory monsters on Earth
And we have cooperated to assault the fish, and the vegetables, and the chickens, and the cows, and everything you see?
Only we do it by not letting our left hand know what our right hand doeth. In other words, ladies and gentlemen, unless gentlemen happen to be prone to going hunting as a sport
They don't see their food killed
They don't see the slaughterhouse
And so what you get in the butcher, in the market is steak, you know?
It’s a thing in its own right, it has nothing to do with a cow
Steak is a thing shaped thus and so, it looks as if it might be like a banana or something like that, you know and nobody worries
And when a fish is served up, it does indeed look like a fish, but it's not the squigley and squirmy fish that comes out on the end of a fisherman's line
You know, when you really fish you realize that the fish doesn't like it very much

In this gangster arrangement
We are the most predatory monsters on Earth
So, let me repeat, so, so let me repeat
In this gangster arrangement
In this gangster arrangement
We are the most predatory monsters on Earth
So, let me repeat, so, so let me repeat
In this gangster arrangement

There is that absolutely extraordinary side of things
That is really terrifying, and so let me repeat (so, so let me repeat)
The illustration I used of the cross in the net
Where one side of it is scissors, that cut and eat, teeth that chew
And get this thing in and the opening side of it is like James Joyce's Ulysses
The girl who says “yes” and I said “yes, yes, yes,”
She wants to be absolutely ravaged by her man, you see?
So, it’s open, open, open
But now comes the if we take the dark view of things, the horrible view, excuse me if I go into some rather grizzly details, but have you ever heard of a vagina dentata?
That is the idea that in the sexual organ of the woman, there are teeth
And a lot of men have this fantasy, and so are rendered impotent
They don't make love
Because they feel that the price of this blessed experience
This creative experience, loving experience, he's going to get cut
You're going to get emasculated
You're going to lose your precious member

In this gangster arrangement
We are the most predatory monsters on Earth
So, let me repeat, so, so let me repeat
In this gangster arrangement
In this gangster arrangement
We are the most predatory monsters on Earth
So, let me repeat, so, so let me repeat
In this gangster arrangement

This is a very ancient fantasy, it appears throughout all known history
Because this is simply the woman's come on
Where she attracts but she's out really to get you
She is basically a spider mother you see
Who is selfish, and doesn't really love you
Not really, but says she does
And of course there are on the other side all the tricks of the men, which we can go without mentioning
The web is a trap
Like the spider's web is a trap for flies
Also, the lovely embroideries are worn by women as traps for men from a certain point of view

From a certain point of view
And I want to consider the web as something playful
You see there are so many ways of looking at it
And you will find that all these ways are right, but what we need is the fullness of the view
From a certain point of view
Of the view
From a certain point of view

The web is a trap
Like the spider's web is a trap for flies
Also, the lovely embroideries are worn by women as traps for men from a certain point of view
From a certain point of view
And I want to consider the web as something playful
You see there are so many ways of looking at it
And you will find that all these ways are right, but what we need is the fullness of the view
From a certain point of view
Of the view
From a certain point of view

What we need is the fullness of the view
From a certain point of view
From a certain point of view
What we need is the fullness of the view
From a certain point of view
From a certain point of view
What we need is the fullness of the view
From a certain point of view
From a certain point of view
What we need is the fullness of the view
From a certain point of view
From a certain point of view

There are people for example who can see the web as a trap, and get stuck with that
There are people to whom existence is simply hateful
They see it as nothing but a ghastly mistake
The Lord really erred when he created this world
Because he arranged it in such a way that everything lives by eating something else
And what I'm doing is I'm describing a certain point of view
(From a certain point of view)
I'm not exactly philosophizing, I'm describing a point of view
You can look at life in such a way that the whole thing is this ghastly mistake
For example, there's no such thing as genuine kindness or love
Everybody is really pretending that they are loving other people in order to get some advantage from it
And indeed there's a point of view which occurs in certain forms of paranoia
Where people who don't seem to be real they are mechanisms, and you can think that out quite intensely with a good deal of intelligence
After all if you start from a good old Darwinian or Freudian basis
And see that man is a material machine, and that the consciousness of man is simply a very evolved and complicated form of chemistry
Well then these awful mechanical things, these Frankenstein's that everybody is, they come around and they say
"Well I'm alive, I'm a human being, I have a heart. I love, I hate, I have problems, I feel."
And you feel like saying
"Come off it, you're just a monster. And you put on the civilized act because really you're just a set of teeth on the end of a tube."

What we need is the fullness of the view
From a certain point of view
From a certain point of view
What we need is the fullness of the view
From a certain point of view
From a certain point of view
What we need is the fullness of the view
From a certain point of view
From a certain point of view
What we need is the fullness of the view
From a certain point of view
From a certain point of view

And you've got a ganglion behind those teeth
Which you call your brain and your so alleged mind
And this thing is really basically there for two purposes
One to be cunning enough to get something to eat to put down the tube
And the other, you know what, Mr. Freud libido
And everything else you see can be construed as an elaborate subtle way of pretending that that's not really what you want to do, but you do
But you put on a great show
Now some people according to this view get mixed up, they are so repressed
That what they really want to do is to eat and to screw, they get involved in higher things that are the masks for these activities
And think that that's the real purpose of life
And then they become what's called neurotic
Because they get involved in being pure camouflage
That's what’s called escaping from the facts
Not looking at life, not looking at reality correctly
In exploring the theme of the web of life
I have thus far discussed two principle topics
First the web considered as selectivity
Experience considered as what we pay attention to on the one hand
And what we ignore on the other
And I showed how the way in which we pay attention to the world
That we call particular things, events and persons
And they seem to be disconnected
And to be alone because we ignore the connection between them
And I use the analogy of weaving
Where the threads go underneath and join on the back in a way that is not seen on the front
So you might say in the unconscious, although I don't particularly like that word
Because it makes it seem as if it was something rather dead
But on the unconscious side of life, as on the back of the weaving, or the back of the embroidery

There are connections which are not published
There are connections which are not published
There are connections which are not published
There are connections which are not published

Now in the second part of the scene was the web as mutuality
When I discussed the way the existence of a web, the existence of cloth or anything like that
Depends on a mutual support of the warp and the woof and this miraculous thing occurs that when the things support each other
Being comes into being, cloth comes into being
And so in exactly the same way, our world is a manifestation of relativity
And this requires a balanced combination, a relationship of opposites in every domain of life
And although these opposites are explicitly different, and even antagonistic
They are implicitly one
Implicitly one
They are implicitly one
And that's the secret

There are connections which are not published
A relationship of opposites in every domain of life
There are connections which are not published
There are connections which are not published
A relationship of opposites in every domain of life
There are connections which are not published
There are implicitly one
And that's the secret

See there are these two secrets that we have went into
The connection between what are supposed to be separate things and events
And mutual unity between what are manifesting
That is to say openly for purposes of publication, opposites
Now, I'm going to take two other aspects of the web

There are connections which are not published
A relationship of opposites in every domain of life
There are connections which are not published
There are connections which are not published
A relationship of opposites in every domain of life
There are connections which are not published
There are implicitly one
And that's the secret
Fan: Gary Vee!
Gary Vee: Hey
Fan: Three words to give me inspiration for any day I'm feeling down
Gary Vee: Three words?
Fan: Three words
Gary Vee: You're gonna die. Yeah, that's inspiration. Do something about it

I don't look at anybody else
I have no fucking idea what you guys are up to
And I shit on myself every day
I could keep everything I do
Everything is my fault
Period, end of story
Somebody hits me with a fucking car tomorrow
I'm like, “Fuck, I shouldn't have left the house that early.”
You get into that fucking mindset
I promise you shit changes
You need to fucking suffocate your bullshit

Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration

Just suffocate your bullshit, period
You either need figure out who's holding you back
And their judgment and go to them
I want you to call your mom and say, fuck you
If she's the person that is suppressing, you
Because she's miserable and misery loves company
I’m being dead serious with you
People aren't doing things
Because they're fearful of other people's judgment
And they're still keeping negative energy around them
'Cause they're obligated
And to let them dictate your only life
Is fucking ludicrous
Go volunteer at a nursing home for one day
Go talk to eight people
You're gonna see something
That's gonna scare the living shit out of you
It's called regret
Regret scares the shit out of me
Regret is the field besides gratitude
That drives my life
You will see people and they will tell you things
About the things they didn't do
And the silliness to why they didn't do it
And they're running out of time
And you have time

Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration

If anybody that looks like you has ever done it
Then you can too
If some kid that grew up with two alcoholic parents, right
And grew up in an orphanage made it
Then you can too
It's about mindset
The second you start having losing mindset
You've already fucking lost
And I love when people think shit like the secret is real
It's not fucking real
Here's how it works
If you actually are optimistic and you make a goal
And your actions map to it
You miraculously get somewhere close to it
It's not sitting on your couch jerking off
And saying, I wish I had a million dollars
You're living through a massive human shift
This is the biggest culture shift since the printing press
The Internet is only roughly 20 years old
In being a consumer product for all of us
This is just starting
What do you think's coming next?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?

Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration

Do you actually know what the fuck you're doing?
Are you actually putting in the work?
Do you really want this that bad?
Or do you wanna make it look like you want it that bad?
I challenge you and I hope to see you soon
Thank you
You're either on the offense
Or defense
You're either on the offense o
Or defense
I think a lot of people think they're in the middle
In a transit
You're only on the offense
Or the defense

I've realized that
I've been on the offense my whole life
Because I never felt entitled to anything
An incredible thing happens
When you're born with very little
You know, I was born in the Soviet Union
We come to America I live in a studio apartment in Queens
My parents bought me six toys
In my entire life kind of thing
We took one family vacation in my entire life
When I wanted Nintendo
My mom looked me dead in the face
And said, “Good, go buy it”
On the flip side
She reinforced things that came natural to me
And made them the most important things
While I was getting Ds and Fs
And every other immigrant parent
Was making their kids get
A’s and B’s
'Cause they thought that's what mattered
My mom was accelerating any time that
I showed compassion
Any time that I showed empathy
Any time that I showed gratitude

You're either on the offense
Or defense
You're either on the offense
Or defense
I think a lot of people think they're in the middle
In a transit
You're only on the offense
Or the defense

I once opened a door
And I will remember this for the rest of my life
I was eight
I opened a door for a woman
You would have thought
That I won a Nobel Peace Prize
My mom made such a big deal about that
You have to understand what she did
No matter how bad you have it
Millions, billions have it worse
And so, for me
The mindset that I pulled in this whole game
Is nobody cares
Nobody cares
And not that they don't care, people have compassion
But they can't
Think about how much you even care
Even for people you love the most
It's just a human thing
And more importantly
We have it ridiculously good

You're either on the offense
Or defense
You're either on the offense
Or defense
I think a lot of people think they're in the middle
In a transit
You're only on the offense
Or the defense

This Internet thing
This Internet thing
Is the most important invention
In the history of the human being
All the things that you worry about
Of like the man stopping you
Or something stopping you
All these things that we envision
That are the reasons why you haven't been successful
This Internet thing is taking away
The Internet
The Internet is the middleman
It's true
You have to understand
How ridiculous
This thing is
The ability for you to create content
Videos, pictures, and written words direct to the audience
Eliminates any excuse you come up with
I could literally spend the next month one by one
Systematically going through this big room
And no matter what excuse you come up with
The answer's gonna be, “And?”
We have to eliminate complaining
And dwelling
We have to
And that's what she did for me
She instilled the right positive things
And most of all, she eliminated fucking excuses
She eliminated entitlement
She eliminated fucking excuses
She eliminated entitlement

2x (Chorus)
You're either on the offense
Or defense
You're either on the offense
Or defense
I think a lot of people think they're in the middle
In a transit
You're only on the offense
Or the defense
