Weak people hate strong minds
And there's an infestation
of weak people In this fucking world
See, you're born with one mouth for a reason
To speak what you believe in
Speak your thoughts
Speak your truth
Speak your thoughts
Speak your truth
See, you're born with one mouth for a reason
To speak what you believe in
But what happens is
the goal of weak people
Is to silence you
So what they do to you is they isolate you
The more they isolate you
Who is sitting here right now today?
This is the real me obviously
I'm a very philosophical person
And I'm gonna go there with you real quick
I believe in a higher power
Don't know the name, don't know where it's coming from
Don't even think that
But I believe that this power
And visualize with me real quick
Let's say it's a man up there or a woman or whatever
And they have a chart
And when you're born, they say, David Goggins
Born February 17th, 1975 at 6:00 AM
They write the chart down 'cause they can see everything
They know exactly where you're fucking supposed to be
They know what you're supposed to be
You die, you go to so called heaven
You arrive in heaven
I'm 300 pounds I retired as an Ecolab guy, which is okay
It's just a job, whatever
I go up there and God looks at me
And he's chosen my chart, and my chart on there says
You were supposed to be a Navy Seal
You're supposed to weigh 185 pounds
You're supposed to be
One of the smartest people in the planet
This, this, that, all this
You see this, and now you're in heaven
You made it to heaven, but you're like, God, God
I was supposed to live that life
I was supposed to live that life
And then you find out that the reason why
'Cause we all think that if we pray on it
If we do this, if we do that whatever
If we don't work, whatever
It's gonna magically happen for us
No I believe that when
I'm all said and done with
My whole job is to outwork the chart
Whatever the fucking chart says about me
The all knowing power up there I wanna get up there
And him look at me and say I know everything
I didn't fucking see this
I didn't fucking see this
I want feel that
I know everything
I didn't fucking see this
I didn't fucking see this
I want to feel that
I want to get to the other end of this fucking world
And however I'm being judged
Whoever's judging me to look at me and say
I did not fucking know
I had you at 185, had you at this
But all this other shit
I was writing as you were living it
I want to find more
All I can And in that fucking sack of shit
You have to dive in that to find more
Because if you're not willing to go in there
And face yourself, you're not gonna find anything
You're gonna live right here on surface man
Right here on surface
So, if there is an ending to this world
And there is somewhere to go and there's a judgment
You're gonna get there and you might see a chart
And that chart might tell you
Who the fuck you should have been
And now you get the rest of your life to think about that
Man, I could've lived a much better life
If I just, would've just suffered a little bit more
If I just would've went in that shit
And realized I had so much more
But fear and the 40%
And living here versus living here, being afraid
Stopped me
So that's I'm a big guy in visualizing
I'm a big guy in making a world
It may not exist
To me it does
To me it does
And I'm overpowering myself every day
And you gotta find tools to do that
That's the tool that I use
So that's what it's all about I believe that when
I'm all said and done with
My whole job is to outwork the chart
Whatever the fucking the chart says about me
The all-knowing power up there
I wanna get up there and him look at me and say
I know everything
I didn't fucking see this
I didn't fucking see this
I want to feel that
I know everything
I didn't fucking see this
I didn't fucking see this
I want to feel that
I want to feel that
I want to feel that
I want to feel that
I want to feel that
This is the real me obviously
I'm a very philosophical person
And I'm gonna go there with you real quick
I believe in a higher power
Don't know the name, don't know where it's coming from
Don't even think that
But I believe that this power
And visualize with me real quick
Let's say it's a man up there or a woman or whatever
And they have a chart
And when you're born, they say, David Goggins
Born February 17th, 1975 at 6:00 AM
They write the chart down 'cause they can see everything
They know exactly where you're fucking supposed to be
They know what you're supposed to be
You die, you go to so called heaven
You arrive in heaven
I'm 300 pounds I retired as an Ecolab guy, which is okay
It's just a job, whatever
I go up there and God looks at me
And he's chosen my chart, and my chart on there says
You were supposed to be a Navy Seal
You're supposed to weigh 185 pounds
You're supposed to be
One of the smartest people in the planet
This, this, that, all this
You see this, and now you're in heaven
You made it to heaven, but you're like, God, God
I was supposed to live that life
I was supposed to live that life
And then you find out that the reason why
'Cause we all think that if we pray on it
If we do this, if we do that whatever
If we don't work, whatever
It's gonna magically happen for us
No I believe that when
I'm all said and done with
My whole job is to outwork the chart
Whatever the fucking chart says about me
The all knowing power up there I wanna get up there
And him look at me and say I know everything
I didn't fucking see this
I didn't fucking see this
I want feel that
I know everything
I didn't fucking see this
I didn't fucking see this
I want to feel that
I want to get to the other end of this fucking world
And however I'm being judged
Whoever's judging me to look at me and say
I did not fucking know
I had you at 185, had you at this
But all this other shit
I was writing as you were living it
I want to find more
All I can And in that fucking sack of shit
You have to dive in that to find more
Because if you're not willing to go in there
And face yourself, you're not gonna find anything
You're gonna live right here on surface man
Right here on surface
So, if there is an ending to this world
And there is somewhere to go and there's a judgment
You're gonna get there and you might see a chart
And that chart might tell you
Who the fuck you should have been
And now you get the rest of your life to think about that
Man, I could've lived a much better life
If I just, would've just suffered a little bit more
If I just would've went in that shit
And realized I had so much more
But fear and the 40%
And living here versus living here, being afraid
Stopped me
So that's I'm a big guy in visualizing
I'm a big guy in making a world
It may not exist
To me it does
To me it does
And I'm overpowering myself every day
And you gotta find tools to do that
That's the tool that I use
So that's what it's all about I believe that when
I'm all said and done with
My whole job is to outwork the chart
Whatever the fucking the chart says about me
The all-knowing power up there
I wanna get up there and him look at me and say
I know everything
I didn't fucking see this
I didn't fucking see this
I want to feel that
I know everything
I didn't fucking see this
I didn't fucking see this
I want to feel that
I want to feel that
I want to feel that
I want to feel that
I want to feel that
I was fat
That's why I talk about it
Go ahead and say something, motherfucker
I was fat, too
And it was hard as fuck every fucking day to get up
I know what it feels like
When you roll your fat ass outta bed
And all you want is some fuckin' damn cinnamon buns
And shit
And fucking chocolate milkshake
I know what it is
I know exactly what it is
But I can't want it more than you
And so many people
Just want it the easy way
I'm sorry, man
It’s not
So, what they start to do
Is they build this narrative
Of it's okay
When their narrative should be
You need to fuckin' work harder
That's why I talk about it
Go ahead and say something, motherfucker
I was fat, too
And it was hard as fuck every fucking day to get up
I know what it feels like
When you roll your fat ass outta bed
And all you want is some fuckin' damn cinnamon buns
And shit
And fucking chocolate milkshake
I know what it is
I know exactly what it is
But I can't want it more than you
And so many people
Just want it the easy way
I'm sorry, man
It’s not
So, what they start to do
Is they build this narrative
Of it's okay
When their narrative should be
You need to fuckin' work harder
Well it's that time of year again we start to feel real happy
Why? Because we're not going to work
If you believe in Santa Claus and you celebrate Christmas
You looking forward to Santa Claus coming down the chimney giving you some presents
It's a real good time of year
So in that good time of year we start to feel real good about ourselves
Start to feel great
So we start making promises to ourselves about hey I'm going to lose some weight, I'm going to do better in school, I'm gonna be better here and be better there
But guess what happens
The real merry fucking Christmas happens when all of that noise is gone
Why? Because we're not going to work
If you believe in Santa Claus and you celebrate Christmas
You looking forward to Santa Claus coming down the chimney giving you some presents
It's a real good time of year
So in that good time of year we start to feel real good about ourselves
Start to feel great
So we start making promises to ourselves about hey I'm going to lose some weight, I'm going to do better in school, I'm gonna be better here and be better there
But guess what happens
The real merry fucking Christmas happens when all of that noise is gone