I did the stories and I did the illustrations
Sometimes, they would send us scripts
But I'd throw them out the window
I happen to be a guy who
Does what he wants
Lives the way he wants to
I love people in general
Even the villains in my comics
To me, are people
There is something in their lives
That makes them become a problem to others
That's how I saw everybody
Whatever I put in my comics
I hopefully feel that this love of people may have been transmitted to them
And help them, and not help them in any way, I'm not a psychiatrist, but
Just giving them another friend
Sometimes, they would send us scripts
But I'd throw them out the window
I happen to be a guy who
Does what he wants
Lives the way he wants to
I love people in general
Even the villains in my comics
To me, are people
There is something in their lives
That makes them become a problem to others
That's how I saw everybody
Whatever I put in my comics
I hopefully feel that this love of people may have been transmitted to them
And help them, and not help them in any way, I'm not a psychiatrist, but
Just giving them another friend
I'm going to Mars
I'm going to space
I see that story first
I feel that story first
I know those people first
When I put them down
They've already lived
I put them down as I'd like them to live on those pages
My stories are very sincere
My stories are people's stories
I'm going to space
I see that story first
I feel that story first
I know those people first
When I put them down
They've already lived
I put them down as I'd like them to live on those pages
My stories are very sincere
My stories are people's stories