Not much chance completely cut loose from purpose
He was a young man riding a bus through North Carolina on the way to somewhere
And it began to snow
And the bus stopped at a little café in the hills
And the passengers entered
And he sat at the counter with the others
And he ordered the food arrived
And the meal was particularly good
And the coffee
The waitress was unlike the women he had known
She was unaffected and there was a natural humor which came from her
And the fry cook said crazy things
And the dishwasher in back laughed a good clean pleasant laugh
And the young man watched the snow through the window
And he wanted to stay in that café forever
The curious feeling swam through him that everything was beautiful there
And it would always stay beautiful there
And then the bus driver told the passengers that it was time to board
And the young man thought I'll just stay here
I'll just stay here
And then he rose and he followed the others into the bus
He found his seat and looked at the café through the window
And then the bus moved off down a curve downward out of the hills
And the young man looked straight forward
And he heard the other passengers speaking of other things
Or they were reading or trying to sleep
And they hadn't noticed the magic
And the young man put his head to one side
Closed his eyes and pretended to sleep
There was nothing else to do
Just to listen to the sound of the engine
And the sound of the tires
In the snow
He was a young man riding a bus through North Carolina on the way to somewhere
And it began to snow
And the bus stopped at a little café in the hills
And the passengers entered
And he sat at the counter with the others
And he ordered the food arrived
And the meal was particularly good
And the coffee
The waitress was unlike the women he had known
She was unaffected and there was a natural humor which came from her
And the fry cook said crazy things
And the dishwasher in back laughed a good clean pleasant laugh
And the young man watched the snow through the window
And he wanted to stay in that café forever
The curious feeling swam through him that everything was beautiful there
And it would always stay beautiful there
And then the bus driver told the passengers that it was time to board
And the young man thought I'll just stay here
I'll just stay here
And then he rose and he followed the others into the bus
He found his seat and looked at the café through the window
And then the bus moved off down a curve downward out of the hills
And the young man looked straight forward
And he heard the other passengers speaking of other things
Or they were reading or trying to sleep
And they hadn't noticed the magic
And the young man put his head to one side
Closed his eyes and pretended to sleep
There was nothing else to do
Just to listen to the sound of the engine
And the sound of the tires
In the snow
The laughing heart
Your life is your life
Don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission
Be on the watch
There are ways out
There is light somewhere
It may not be much light but it beats the darkness
But it beats the darkness
Be on the watch
The gods will offer you chances
Know them
Take them
You can’t beat death but you can beat death in life
Sometimes, and the more often you learn to do it
The more light there will be
Your life is your life
Know it while you have it
You are marvellous
The gods wait to delight in you
That's the beauty
Your life is your life
Don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission
Be on the watch
There are ways out
There is light somewhere
It may not be much light but it beats the darkness
But it beats the darkness
Be on the watch
The gods will offer you chances
Know them
Take them
You can’t beat death but you can beat death in life
Sometimes, and the more often you learn to do it
The more light there will be
Your life is your life
Know it while you have it
You are marvellous
The gods wait to delight in you
That's the beauty
The genius of the crowd
There is enough
Treachery, hatred, violence, absurdity
In the average human being
To supply any given army on any given day
Any given army on any given day
And the best at murder
Are those who preach against it
And the best at hate
Are those who preach love
And the best at war
Are those who preach peace
Those who preach God
Need God
Those who preach peace, do not have peace
Those who preach love, do not have love
Beware the preachers
Beware the knowers
There is enough
Treachery, hatred, violence, absurdity
In the average human being
To supply any given army on any given day
Any given army on any given day
And the best at murder
Are those who preach against it
And the best at hate
Are those who preach love
And the best at war
Are those who preach peace
Those who preach God
Need God
Those who preach peace, do not have peace
Those who preach love, do not have love
Beware the preachers
Beware the knowers