Fan: Gary Vee!
Gary Vee: Hey
Fan: Three words to give me inspiration for any day I'm feeling down
Gary Vee: Three words?
Fan: Three words
Gary Vee: You're gonna die. Yeah, that's inspiration. Do something about it
I don't look at anybody else
I have no fucking idea what you guys are up to
And I shit on myself every day
I could keep everything I do
Everything is my fault
Period, end of story
Somebody hits me with a fucking car tomorrow
I'm like, “Fuck, I shouldn't have left the house that early.”
You get into that fucking mindset
I promise you shit changes
You need to fucking suffocate your bullshit
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration
Just suffocate your bullshit, period
You either need figure out who's holding you back
And their judgment and go to them
I want you to call your mom and say, fuck you
If she's the person that is suppressing, you
Because she's miserable and misery loves company
I’m being dead serious with you
People aren't doing things
Because they're fearful of other people's judgment
And they're still keeping negative energy around them
'Cause they're obligated
And to let them dictate your only life
Is fucking ludicrous
Go volunteer at a nursing home for one day
Go talk to eight people
You're gonna see something
That's gonna scare the living shit out of you
It's called regret
Regret scares the shit out of me
Regret is the field besides gratitude
That drives my life
You will see people and they will tell you things
About the things they didn't do
And the silliness to why they didn't do it
And they're running out of time
And you have time
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration
If anybody that looks like you has ever done it
Then you can too
If some kid that grew up with two alcoholic parents, right
And grew up in an orphanage made it
Then you can too
It's about mindset
The second you start having losing mindset
You've already fucking lost
And I love when people think shit like the secret is real
It's not fucking real
Here's how it works
If you actually are optimistic and you make a goal
And your actions map to it
You miraculously get somewhere close to it
It's not sitting on your couch jerking off
And saying, I wish I had a million dollars
You're living through a massive human shift
This is the biggest culture shift since the printing press
The Internet is only roughly 20 years old
In being a consumer product for all of us
This is just starting
What do you think's coming next?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration
Do you actually know what the fuck you're doing?
Are you actually putting in the work?
Do you really want this that bad?
Or do you wanna make it look like you want it that bad?
I challenge you and I hope to see you soon
Thank you
Gary Vee: Hey
Fan: Three words to give me inspiration for any day I'm feeling down
Gary Vee: Three words?
Fan: Three words
Gary Vee: You're gonna die. Yeah, that's inspiration. Do something about it
I don't look at anybody else
I have no fucking idea what you guys are up to
And I shit on myself every day
I could keep everything I do
Everything is my fault
Period, end of story
Somebody hits me with a fucking car tomorrow
I'm like, “Fuck, I shouldn't have left the house that early.”
You get into that fucking mindset
I promise you shit changes
You need to fucking suffocate your bullshit
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration
Just suffocate your bullshit, period
You either need figure out who's holding you back
And their judgment and go to them
I want you to call your mom and say, fuck you
If she's the person that is suppressing, you
Because she's miserable and misery loves company
I’m being dead serious with you
People aren't doing things
Because they're fearful of other people's judgment
And they're still keeping negative energy around them
'Cause they're obligated
And to let them dictate your only life
Is fucking ludicrous
Go volunteer at a nursing home for one day
Go talk to eight people
You're gonna see something
That's gonna scare the living shit out of you
It's called regret
Regret scares the shit out of me
Regret is the field besides gratitude
That drives my life
You will see people and they will tell you things
About the things they didn't do
And the silliness to why they didn't do it
And they're running out of time
And you have time
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration
If anybody that looks like you has ever done it
Then you can too
If some kid that grew up with two alcoholic parents, right
And grew up in an orphanage made it
Then you can too
It's about mindset
The second you start having losing mindset
You've already fucking lost
And I love when people think shit like the secret is real
It's not fucking real
Here's how it works
If you actually are optimistic and you make a goal
And your actions map to it
You miraculously get somewhere close to it
It's not sitting on your couch jerking off
And saying, I wish I had a million dollars
You're living through a massive human shift
This is the biggest culture shift since the printing press
The Internet is only roughly 20 years old
In being a consumer product for all of us
This is just starting
What do you think's coming next?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
Optimistical practical
You're gonna die
You're gonna die
Yeah, that's inspiration
Do you actually know what the fuck you're doing?
Are you actually putting in the work?
Do you really want this that bad?
Or do you wanna make it look like you want it that bad?
I challenge you and I hope to see you soon
Thank you
You're either on the offense
Or defense
You're either on the offense o
Or defense
I think a lot of people think they're in the middle
In a transit
You're only on the offense
Or the defense
I've realized that
I've been on the offense my whole life
Because I never felt entitled to anything
An incredible thing happens
When you're born with very little
You know, I was born in the Soviet Union
We come to America I live in a studio apartment in Queens
My parents bought me six toys
In my entire life kind of thing
We took one family vacation in my entire life
When I wanted Nintendo
My mom looked me dead in the face
And said, “Good, go buy it”
On the flip side
She reinforced things that came natural to me
And made them the most important things
While I was getting Ds and Fs
And every other immigrant parent
Was making their kids get
A’s and B’s
'Cause they thought that's what mattered
My mom was accelerating any time that
I showed compassion
Any time that I showed empathy
Any time that I showed gratitude
You're either on the offense
Or defense
You're either on the offense
Or defense
I think a lot of people think they're in the middle
In a transit
You're only on the offense
Or the defense
I once opened a door
And I will remember this for the rest of my life
I was eight
I opened a door for a woman
You would have thought
That I won a Nobel Peace Prize
My mom made such a big deal about that
You have to understand what she did
No matter how bad you have it
Millions, billions have it worse
And so, for me
The mindset that I pulled in this whole game
Is nobody cares
Nobody cares
And not that they don't care, people have compassion
But they can't
Think about how much you even care
Even for people you love the most
It's just a human thing
And more importantly
We have it ridiculously good
You're either on the offense
Or defense
You're either on the offense
Or defense
I think a lot of people think they're in the middle
In a transit
You're only on the offense
Or the defense
This Internet thing
This Internet thing
Is the most important invention
In the history of the human being
All the things that you worry about
Of like the man stopping you
Or something stopping you
All these things that we envision
That are the reasons why you haven't been successful
This Internet thing is taking away
The Internet
The Internet is the middleman
It's true
You have to understand
How ridiculous
This thing is
The ability for you to create content
Videos, pictures, and written words direct to the audience
Eliminates any excuse you come up with
I could literally spend the next month one by one
Systematically going through this big room
And no matter what excuse you come up with
The answer's gonna be, “And?”
We have to eliminate complaining
And dwelling
We have to
And that's what she did for me
She instilled the right positive things
And most of all, she eliminated fucking excuses
She eliminated entitlement
She eliminated fucking excuses
She eliminated entitlement
2x (Chorus)
You're either on the offense
Or defense
You're either on the offense
Or defense
I think a lot of people think they're in the middle
In a transit
You're only on the offense
Or the defense
You're either on the offense
Or defense
You're either on the offense o
Or defense
I think a lot of people think they're in the middle
In a transit
You're only on the offense
Or the defense
I've realized that
I've been on the offense my whole life
Because I never felt entitled to anything
An incredible thing happens
When you're born with very little
You know, I was born in the Soviet Union
We come to America I live in a studio apartment in Queens
My parents bought me six toys
In my entire life kind of thing
We took one family vacation in my entire life
When I wanted Nintendo
My mom looked me dead in the face
And said, “Good, go buy it”
On the flip side
She reinforced things that came natural to me
And made them the most important things
While I was getting Ds and Fs
And every other immigrant parent
Was making their kids get
A’s and B’s
'Cause they thought that's what mattered
My mom was accelerating any time that
I showed compassion
Any time that I showed empathy
Any time that I showed gratitude
You're either on the offense
Or defense
You're either on the offense
Or defense
I think a lot of people think they're in the middle
In a transit
You're only on the offense
Or the defense
I once opened a door
And I will remember this for the rest of my life
I was eight
I opened a door for a woman
You would have thought
That I won a Nobel Peace Prize
My mom made such a big deal about that
You have to understand what she did
No matter how bad you have it
Millions, billions have it worse
And so, for me
The mindset that I pulled in this whole game
Is nobody cares
Nobody cares
And not that they don't care, people have compassion
But they can't
Think about how much you even care
Even for people you love the most
It's just a human thing
And more importantly
We have it ridiculously good
You're either on the offense
Or defense
You're either on the offense
Or defense
I think a lot of people think they're in the middle
In a transit
You're only on the offense
Or the defense
This Internet thing
This Internet thing
Is the most important invention
In the history of the human being
All the things that you worry about
Of like the man stopping you
Or something stopping you
All these things that we envision
That are the reasons why you haven't been successful
This Internet thing is taking away
The Internet
The Internet is the middleman
It's true
You have to understand
How ridiculous
This thing is
The ability for you to create content
Videos, pictures, and written words direct to the audience
Eliminates any excuse you come up with
I could literally spend the next month one by one
Systematically going through this big room
And no matter what excuse you come up with
The answer's gonna be, “And?”
We have to eliminate complaining
And dwelling
We have to
And that's what she did for me
She instilled the right positive things
And most of all, she eliminated fucking excuses
She eliminated entitlement
She eliminated fucking excuses
She eliminated entitlement
2x (Chorus)
You're either on the offense
Or defense
You're either on the offense
Or defense
I think a lot of people think they're in the middle
In a transit
You're only on the offense
Or the defense
Let's welcome to the stage
Mr. Gary Vaynerchuk
All right, let's go, let's go
Sit down, let's do this
I wish
I wish we had better perspective
I wish that there was some weird genie
That could take us back into time
So that every one of you could live one fucking day
In your great-great-grandparents’ shoes
And understand how fucking good you have it
Understand how fucking good you have it
Like, if you really, really understood
Really, really understood
I'm not naive to what's happening in our society
Let me just say this very clear
So, everybody gets it through their fucking dome
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
This is the best
This is the best
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
Fascinated by this
Fascinated by fucking mindset
It's a binary decision
If you're gonna be positive or negative about shit
When you bet on optimism
When you're on the offense
When you were playing towards intangibles
You do something super-duper interesting
You start suffocating excuses
If you asked me
What the number one thing is
That I'm thankful for that my parents gave me
Taking me from a communist country
And moving me to the US
Parenting me well, roof and clothes
If you asked me the number-one thing
I wake up every morning
And thank that my parents did
Is I never saw either one of them complain about jack shit
And it basically created learned behavior for me
I'm incapable of
Actually complaining about shit
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
This is the best
This is the best
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
This is the best
We have it the best
And all I see is people sitting around
Dwelling around dumb shit
What they don't have
Instead of focusing on what they do have
The Internet is a fucking miracle
It's a fucking miracle
The Internet is a fucking miracle
It's a fucking miracle
There was no side hustle for your great grandparents
When it was 9:00 p.m. it was dark and cold outside
We just get used to shit so fast
And in our speed
Of getting used to how fucking awesome it is
I'm just desperate
For you to not lose perspective
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
This is the best
This is the best
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
Both my grandfathers had the same exact thing that I had
And because they were Jewish in communist Russia post-World War II
Their communism put them both in jail
For 10 years in Siberia
Like, just think about that
Timing, opportunity, yes
Life is binary
It's either offense or defense
You're either sitting in your seat right now
On the offense, or you're not
There is no fucking half pregnant
There's no in between
You're either this or that
(Electronic Voice)
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
Mr. Gary Vaynerchuk
All right, let's go, let's go
Sit down, let's do this
I wish
I wish we had better perspective
I wish that there was some weird genie
That could take us back into time
So that every one of you could live one fucking day
In your great-great-grandparents’ shoes
And understand how fucking good you have it
Understand how fucking good you have it
Like, if you really, really understood
Really, really understood
I'm not naive to what's happening in our society
Let me just say this very clear
So, everybody gets it through their fucking dome
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
This is the best
This is the best
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
Fascinated by this
Fascinated by fucking mindset
It's a binary decision
If you're gonna be positive or negative about shit
When you bet on optimism
When you're on the offense
When you were playing towards intangibles
You do something super-duper interesting
You start suffocating excuses
If you asked me
What the number one thing is
That I'm thankful for that my parents gave me
Taking me from a communist country
And moving me to the US
Parenting me well, roof and clothes
If you asked me the number-one thing
I wake up every morning
And thank that my parents did
Is I never saw either one of them complain about jack shit
And it basically created learned behavior for me
I'm incapable of
Actually complaining about shit
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
This is the best
This is the best
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
This is the best
We have it the best
And all I see is people sitting around
Dwelling around dumb shit
What they don't have
Instead of focusing on what they do have
The Internet is a fucking miracle
It's a fucking miracle
The Internet is a fucking miracle
It's a fucking miracle
There was no side hustle for your great grandparents
When it was 9:00 p.m. it was dark and cold outside
We just get used to shit so fast
And in our speed
Of getting used to how fucking awesome it is
I'm just desperate
For you to not lose perspective
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
This is the best
This is the best
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
Both my grandfathers had the same exact thing that I had
And because they were Jewish in communist Russia post-World War II
Their communism put them both in jail
For 10 years in Siberia
Like, just think about that
Timing, opportunity, yes
Life is binary
It's either offense or defense
You're either sitting in your seat right now
On the offense, or you're not
There is no fucking half pregnant
There's no in between
You're either this or that
(Electronic Voice)
This is the greatest year
To ever be alive
In the history of mankind
I'm just trying to set the course
Trying to set the course
Try to get people to pass me on
Because there's people bottom feeding
There's people doing the wrong thing
There's people that don't have the right intent
And they're taking advantage of people
When they're in a sad place
Or when they're nervous or insecure
I want to make people to know that, ehm
That, ehm
I'm focused
I'm focused on getting all
All the attention
All of the attention
So, I can do a couple things
Number one
My number one goal for all of you
Is one, first and foremost, to build self esteem
I want all of you to be more confidence
Tomorrow than you were yesterday
Because you're spending time paying attention to my crap
Because it's very simple
My crap
Speaks of this
Stop worrying about what you're not
And start focusing on who you are
We all suck at shit
All-all suck at shit
Stop worrying about what you're not
And start focusing on who you are
We all suck at shit
When you figure out what you're good at
And where your strengths lie
You will win
I'm tired of your mom saying you're a loser
Or your boyfriend saying you can't
Or your older brother because he's insecure
Not giving you love
Or self-esteem so that you can succeed
I'm tired of the people closest to you
Because of their insecurities and weaknesses
Giving you feedback and putting you in a paradigm
In a path
That keeps you suppressed
Because they've got their insecurities
They've got their insecurities
They've got their insecurities
They've got their - they've got their
They've got their insecurities
2x (Chorus)
Stop worrying about what you're not
And start focusing on who you are
We all suck at shit
All-all suck at shit
Stop worrying about what you're not
And start focusing on who you are
We all suck at shit
(Instrumental Bridge)
(Chorus – Electronic Voice)
Stop worrying about what you're not
And start focusing on who you are
We all suck at shit
We all suck at shit
Stop worrying about what you're not
And start focusing on who you are
We all suck at shit
We all suck at shit
Trying to set the course
Try to get people to pass me on
Because there's people bottom feeding
There's people doing the wrong thing
There's people that don't have the right intent
And they're taking advantage of people
When they're in a sad place
Or when they're nervous or insecure
I want to make people to know that, ehm
That, ehm
I'm focused
I'm focused on getting all
All the attention
All of the attention
So, I can do a couple things
Number one
My number one goal for all of you
Is one, first and foremost, to build self esteem
I want all of you to be more confidence
Tomorrow than you were yesterday
Because you're spending time paying attention to my crap
Because it's very simple
My crap
Speaks of this
Stop worrying about what you're not
And start focusing on who you are
We all suck at shit
All-all suck at shit
Stop worrying about what you're not
And start focusing on who you are
We all suck at shit
When you figure out what you're good at
And where your strengths lie
You will win
I'm tired of your mom saying you're a loser
Or your boyfriend saying you can't
Or your older brother because he's insecure
Not giving you love
Or self-esteem so that you can succeed
I'm tired of the people closest to you
Because of their insecurities and weaknesses
Giving you feedback and putting you in a paradigm
In a path
That keeps you suppressed
Because they've got their insecurities
They've got their insecurities
They've got their insecurities
They've got their - they've got their
They've got their insecurities
2x (Chorus)
Stop worrying about what you're not
And start focusing on who you are
We all suck at shit
All-all suck at shit
Stop worrying about what you're not
And start focusing on who you are
We all suck at shit
(Instrumental Bridge)
(Chorus – Electronic Voice)
Stop worrying about what you're not
And start focusing on who you are
We all suck at shit
We all suck at shit
Stop worrying about what you're not
And start focusing on who you are
We all suck at shit
We all suck at shit
You know, I mean, of course we've gotten soft
As a culture in the US
Because the US has had an incredible 200-year run
Like, this is just what happens
And that's a great thing
That means there's been enormous amounts of prosperity
But let's not be naive
I mean, people literally complain
When somebody gives them the wrong
Amount of, like, extra cream in a Starbucks $6 coffee
My lack of interesting complaining is so high
And when I watch, what people complain about
It breaks my heart
Because they completely lack perspective
I genuinely believe my happiness and optimism
Comes from my perspective
Even in political unrest times like right now
A lot of people are very bent out of shape
But the reality is that
It's just never been better
It's just never been better
To be a human being
It's just never been better
That's just the truth, that's just data, that's
That's reality, it's just never been better
To be a human being
It's just never been better
That's just the truth, that's just data, that's
That's reality
It's just an incredible time
And I think the way people look at the world right now
Is actually the quickest tell to who they are
If you think it sucks or it's bad
You have losing pessimistic DNA
And if you think it's awesome and phenomenal
You have optimistic winning DNA
And I believe that to be true
That's where we're at
We're beating ourselves up
Like, everybody sucks
At something
Like, we all have shortcomings
And we all have strengths
And for me it's like
Why don't we just audit that
Like, why don't you look at it that way
And be like, all right, well, I'm good at this
But I'm not good at that
And then I only focus what I'm good at, right
Like, I don't dwell that I can't fix shit around the house
I call somebody to fix it
Like, I'm not like, I'm not a man
I don't give a fuck
I don't get it
I also think it's awesome that I'm so emotionally stable
And I'm the emotional backbone of everybody
Is that what a dude’s supposed to do?
Like, the clichés, these stereotypes are so silly
I don't judge myself
I'm fully in love with myself
It's just never been better
To be a human being
It's just never been better
That's just the truth, that's just data, that's
That's reality
It's just never been better
To be a human being
It's just never been better
That's just the truth, that's just data, that's
That's reality
And I'm also fully in love with everybody else too
It goes both ways
I tell people to buy into me
That work for me
It's 'cause I buy into them first
I don't need anybody to gain trust with me
It's there
I believe the human race is so grossly underrated
We are good
Of course, we have some bad
There's fucking seven billion of us
But, like, when you look at our net score, it's bonkers shit
Do you know how much damage we can be doing to each other
On an hourly basis and we don't
We're still here
And we won
We're the alpha being
And we've figured out how to stay together
This is insane when you think about it
And yet everybody wants to dwell
On like, somebody said something mean
It's just never been better
To be a human being
It's just never been better
That's just the truth, that's just data, that's
That's reality
It's just never been better
To be a human being
It's just never been better
That's just the truth, that's just data, that's
That's reality
As a culture in the US
Because the US has had an incredible 200-year run
Like, this is just what happens
And that's a great thing
That means there's been enormous amounts of prosperity
But let's not be naive
I mean, people literally complain
When somebody gives them the wrong
Amount of, like, extra cream in a Starbucks $6 coffee
My lack of interesting complaining is so high
And when I watch, what people complain about
It breaks my heart
Because they completely lack perspective
I genuinely believe my happiness and optimism
Comes from my perspective
Even in political unrest times like right now
A lot of people are very bent out of shape
But the reality is that
It's just never been better
It's just never been better
To be a human being
It's just never been better
That's just the truth, that's just data, that's
That's reality, it's just never been better
To be a human being
It's just never been better
That's just the truth, that's just data, that's
That's reality
It's just an incredible time
And I think the way people look at the world right now
Is actually the quickest tell to who they are
If you think it sucks or it's bad
You have losing pessimistic DNA
And if you think it's awesome and phenomenal
You have optimistic winning DNA
And I believe that to be true
That's where we're at
We're beating ourselves up
Like, everybody sucks
At something
Like, we all have shortcomings
And we all have strengths
And for me it's like
Why don't we just audit that
Like, why don't you look at it that way
And be like, all right, well, I'm good at this
But I'm not good at that
And then I only focus what I'm good at, right
Like, I don't dwell that I can't fix shit around the house
I call somebody to fix it
Like, I'm not like, I'm not a man
I don't give a fuck
I don't get it
I also think it's awesome that I'm so emotionally stable
And I'm the emotional backbone of everybody
Is that what a dude’s supposed to do?
Like, the clichés, these stereotypes are so silly
I don't judge myself
I'm fully in love with myself
It's just never been better
To be a human being
It's just never been better
That's just the truth, that's just data, that's
That's reality
It's just never been better
To be a human being
It's just never been better
That's just the truth, that's just data, that's
That's reality
And I'm also fully in love with everybody else too
It goes both ways
I tell people to buy into me
That work for me
It's 'cause I buy into them first
I don't need anybody to gain trust with me
It's there
I believe the human race is so grossly underrated
We are good
Of course, we have some bad
There's fucking seven billion of us
But, like, when you look at our net score, it's bonkers shit
Do you know how much damage we can be doing to each other
On an hourly basis and we don't
We're still here
And we won
We're the alpha being
And we've figured out how to stay together
This is insane when you think about it
And yet everybody wants to dwell
On like, somebody said something mean
It's just never been better
To be a human being
It's just never been better
That's just the truth, that's just data, that's
That's reality
It's just never been better
To be a human being
It's just never been better
That's just the truth, that's just data, that's
That's reality