You have to be the hero of your own story
Be the hero of your own movie
If your life was a movie and it started now
Forget about whatever financial disasters you've had, personal failures, relationship failures
What would the hero of your life's movie do right now?
Do that, do those things
Do that, do those things
Do that, do those things
We define ourselves far too often by our past failures
We look at our past and we say, "Well, that's me."
That's not you. You are this person right now
You're the person who's learned from those failures and you can choose to be the hero of your own movie right now
Write down your goals
Write down things you wanna improve
Write down thing you won't tolerate from yourself
Write down things that you've done in the past that you never wanna see yourself do again
And go forth from here as the hero of your own movie
As the hero of your own movie
You have to be the hero of your own story
You have to be the hero of your own story
You have to be the hero of your own story
You have to be the hero of your own story
Build momentum, build confidence and momentum with each decision that you make from here on out
You can do it
You can do it
Anyone can do it
Anyone can do it
We live in unique times
We live in one of the rarest times in human history
Where you can choose almost all of the input that comes your way, whether it's in movies that you watch, the books you read, the podcasts you listen to, you can choose to be inspired
Dthat, do that, do, do, do that
Do, do, do, do, do that, do that
Be the hero
Be the hero
Be, be, be the hero of your own movie
You have to be the hero of your own story
You have to be the hero of your own story
You have to be the hero of your own story
You have to be the hero of your own story
And you can do that
You have to be the hero of your own story
You have to be the hero of your own story
You have to be the hero of your own story
You have to be the hero of your own story
You have to be the hero of your own story
You have to be the hero of your own story
And you can do that
And you can do that
The opportunity takes place usually when you're young and you don't have any responsibility
That's when you have your options
Well, your options are severely limited the more you gather responsibilities
Like, if I had as a 51-year-old father of three, a married man, he pays taxes and has a house and a mortgage and a business and all that jazz
If I had to quit everything now and struggle the way I struggled as a standup comedian, it would never work
The only way I could be this person now is if I took that chance when I was 21
When I was dead broke and had my cars repossessed and all that stuff
That's the only way you ever get where you wanna go
You have to take a path that's dangerous
Take a path that's dangerous
The only way you ever get where you wanna go
You have to take a path that's dangerous
Take a path that's dangerous
The only way you ever get where you wanna go
You have to take a path that's dangerous
Take a path that's dangerous
The only way you ever get where you wanna go
You have to take a path that's dangerous
Take a path that's dangerous
And most people wanna take the safe path
The safe path leaves you stuck in quiet desperation almost every time
It's hell, it's hell
You're selling insurance or some other shit that you care zero about
It's hell, it's hell, it's hell
The only way you ever get where you wanna go
You have to take a path that's dangerous
Take a path that's dangerous
The only way you ever get where you wanna go
You have to take a path that's dangerous
Take a path that's dangerous
The only way you ever get where you wanna go
You have to take a path that's dangerous
Take a path that's dangerous
The only way you ever get where you wanna go
You have to take a path that's dangerous
Take a path that's dangerous
The way you can change is you have to put aside enough money to give yourself a window
And then you have to have a plan
And you have to spend all your waking hours outside of whatever shit job you do, planning your escape
And you have to come to the realization very clearly that you fucked up
[Jordan Peterson]: Bucko
You got yourself stuck
So whatever you're doing, you have to do it like your life depends on it
And whether it is you're trying to be an author and you're working eight hours a day, plus commuting, plus family responsibilities, or whatever time that you have
You have to attack like you're trying to save the world
You're trying to save your life. You don't wanna drown
That 1 1/2 hours a day that you have to write
Goddamn, you better be caffeinated and motivated
You gotta go, you gotta get after it
You gotta go, you gotta get after it
[Jocko Willink]: Get after it
The only way you ever get where you wanna go
You have to take a path that's dangerous
Take a path that's dangerous
The only way you ever get where you wanna go
You have to take a path that's dangerous
Take a path that's dangerous
The only way you ever get where you wanna go
You have to take a path that's dangerous
Take a path that's dangerous
The only way you ever get where you wanna go
You have to take a path that's dangerous
Take a path that's dangerous
[Akira The Don]
The only way you ever get where you wanna go
The only way you ever get where you wanna go
The only way you ever get where you wanna go
You have to take a path that's dangerous
Take a path that's dangerous
The only way you ever get where you wanna go
You have to take a path that's dangerous
Take a path that's dangerous
You gotta have discipline
Most people don't have those things
Most people don't understand what it's like to really go for something
And then know that the consequences of not doing that are horrific
You gotta get after it
So I was happy that "Fear Factor" was no actors
Since I had a background in coaching
I was used to teaching people and I was used to encouraging people and getting people motivated
When someone was nervous and they were about to do something
I could grab them and go, "Look at me. You can do this."
Look at me, you can do this
Look at me, you can do this
This is gonna define you
If you back off, get scared and give in to your fear
This is gonna define you
Look at me, you can do this
Look at me, you can do this
If you just press forward and realize you can do this and succeed
It will define you in a positive way
You can do this
It was completely unexpected because I thought the gig was just gonna be these people do these crazy things
I make fun of it, and we all cheer, and it would all play itself out because it was a reality show
But somewhere along the line, especially when they became really nervous, it was very intense
It was moments where I really, I wanted these people to win and I wanted these people to do their best
I wanted these people to succeed
There was one time, there was this father and a son competing against a mother and the daughter
And the father and the son were kinda jerks and they thought that they were gonna win
The parent and child teams had gotten down to two and it was the man and his son vs the woman and her daughter
And everybody thought these jerks were gonna win and were kinda bummed out about it
But the woman and her child, they just rose to the occasion
I mean, I remember talking to them and firing them up
I didn't know if they could do it
I didn't know if they could do it
Look at me, you can do this
Look at me, you can do this
This is gonna define you
If you back off, get scared, and give in to your fear
This is gonna define you
Look at me, you can do this
Look at me, you can do this
If you just press forward and realize you can do this and succeed
It will define you in a positive way
You can do this
It was some crazy thing that they had to climb and do this thing, had to gather flags, and it was all for time
The kinda jerky son, the jerky dad, they kept screwing up
They fucked up because they'd kinda taken it for granted that they were gonna win
A lotta times, jerks are just insecure, and when they're under pressure, when they're really faced with real pressure, like this is the real moment
Who are you really?
Who are you really?
Fuck all that talk, who are you really?
They fall apart
The mother and the daughter won
You're talking about a hardened crew of people that have watched people eat animal dicks, jump, jump outta helicopters, season after season, episode after episode
Everybody cried
The camera people, like I'll cry now if I'm thinking about it, just seeing their spirit
When they were figuring out a way to win, watching them win, like to this day
Look at me, you can do this
Look at me, you can do this
This is gonna define you
If you back off and get scared, and give in to your fear
This is gonna define you
Look at me, you can do this
Look at me, you can do this
If you just press forward and realize you can do this and succeed
It will define you in a positive way
You can do this
I never tear up for sad things, I tear up for happy things
It's never been sad things
It's very hard to get me to cry with sad things
But trying, success, people pulling through, when someone has a particularly incredible performance, I have to fight off tearing up
I feel so happy for them
With sad things, I can objectively analyze them, and I cannot get sad
I can understand that this is just life and it is what it is
I mean, I won't feel good, but I won't start weeping
I don't weep for sad things, the way I weep for happy things
I can rationalize and understand sorrow
I can internalize it, I get it
I just get so happy for people sometimes when things go well
As a human being, you realize how hard it is to overcome competition or these difficult moments, so these moments when you're tested
And you know that there's fears and insecurities that these people have to battle, as well as the actual physical task in front of them, there's so much going on
Look at me, you can do this
Look at me, you can do this
This is gonna define you
If you back off and get scared and give in to your fear
This is gonna define you
Look at me, you can do this
Look at me, you can do this
If you just press forward and realize you can do this and succeed
It will define you in a positive way
You can do this
You can do this
You can do this
You can do this
You can do this
You can do this
You can do this
You can do this
I am a student of human will
I love stories of discipline and success
I don't even like going to movies where they're sad
I'm not interested, I know it's sadness. I've been sad, I get it
I'm not interested in getting that in a form of entertainment
I like success
I like seeing people triumph
I like seeing the human spirit manifest itself in spectacular ways
It helps you get things done
And when you get things done, when you actually do things
You have more success
A big part of success is just not being fucking lazy and just doing it
90% of it is just showing up, get there, and start working
Like you're not gonna feel perfect every day
If I only worked out when I felt good, I'd be a fat fuck
'Cause there's a lotta days I don't wanna do it
It's pretty much the same with everybody that actually gets good at something
There's gotta be those days you push through
They're probably gonna be more numerous than the days you don't
And so the benefit of discipline in my eyes has always been that through discipline, I get things done
I'm like the most lazy disciplined person I know, because I don't wanna do it
Through discipline, I get things done
The pro goes to work
Through discipline, I get things done
This is what I do
[Jocko Willink]
I also think that discipline is a pathway to creativity
When you're on the battlefield
Is an absolute exercise in creativity
How are we gonna attack them?
How will we get this organized?
How are we gonna get in their heads?
That's all just massive creativity
And when I look at people that are artists
I would imagine the more disciplined you are, you gotta write stuff down, you gotta read, you gotta increase your vocabulary so that you are quicker and sharper, so that when people are saying things, you have more words to battle back at them
All those things, all that freedom that you get on stage, comes from the discipline
You study, you learn, you read, you write, you talk, you go through things
Is that an accurate statement?
[Joe Rogan]: Absolutely accurate
Through discipline, I get things done
The pro goes to work
Through discipline, I get things done
This is what I do
Through discipline, I get things done
The pro goes to work
Through discipline, I get things done
This is what I do
And it doesn't matter if you're sick, it doesn't matter if you have kids
You're a pro and you go to work and you have pride in that
And then when you are in front of that keyboard, you look down at the count
And it says, “I've got a fucking thousand words today.”
And outta that work, gems blossom
Well, you might have a day where you just write nothing but dog shit
So what? Show up again tomorrow, and tomorrow outta that dog shit a flower will emerge
Through discipline, I get things done
The pro goes to work
Through discipline, I get things done
This is what I do
Through discipline, I get things done
The pro goes to work
Through discipline, I get things done
This is what I do
You gotta resist those goddamn things 'cause they don't do you any good
And they certainly define the potential for your future in a negative way
It's not self-serving and it's not even real
But this idea that there's no way to get past the starting block today is just ludicrous, it's crazy, and it's just this poor thinking
And people that are trapped in bad situations
One of the problems is you feel like this is your future
You feel like you're fucked. You can't get out of it, there's no hope, there's no light at the end of the tunnel, there's no rainbow
And if you feel like that, that alone can be incredibly defining and limiting
But if you look at yourself objectively and say, "Ok, I am kinda fucked here. I'm in credit card debt, I'm working in a shitty job, I don't like what I'm doing, but I have some ideas. I need to feed those fucking ideas
I need to feed them and water them. I need to set aside a certain amount of time every day to just try to make those things happen."
Every day to just try to make those things happen
Every day to just try to make those things happen
Every day, you can do that
Do shit that's difficult every day, every day
Do shit that's difficult every day
You can do that
Do shit that's difficult every day, every day
Do shit that's difficult
It's very important to struggle
You look at someone who's doing really well or very famous and successful
All you see is him now flying around in private jets, wearing a new pair of sneakers every day, driving around in Bentley's, you just see that
You don't see him being a young kid in Philadelphia, going to open mic nights
There's a progression that you are not witness to
You don't see it and that takes place in everything. It takes place in the office, it takes place in comedians and musicians
There is a starting point and then with time and focus, as long as you reevaluate, you reassess, and consequently, objectively, look at what you're doing and then pursue it with passion and focus, you get better at things
There's always going to be people that are luckier than you
Some of it is luck and some of it is courage
Some of it is putting your ass out there, some of it is trying things
One of the things that I always like to tell people that I think you should do, is do shit that's difficult
It's very important to struggle
Do shit that's difficult every day, every day
Do shit that's difficult every day
You can do that
Do shit that's difficult every day, every day
Do shit that's difficult
It's very important to struggle
Failure teaches you things that you don't learn from success
I think failure gives you an opportunity for self-examination and also gives you a feeling that is very uncomfortable
And that very uncomfortable feeling helps you grow
And don't look at these failures as proof that you suck
Look at them as opportunities for growth
And don't look at these failures as proof that you suck
Look at them as opportunities to be motivated, to be better
Do shit that's difficult every day, every day
Do shit that's difficult every day
You can do that
Do shit that's difficult every day, every day
Do shit that's difficult
It's very important to struggle
Do shit that's difficult every day, every day
Do shit that's difficult every day
You can do that
Do shit that's difficult every day, every day
Do shit that's difficult
It's very important to struggle
This life doesn’t have enough of that
There's not enough struggle
You don't get to know yourself without struggle
You don't get to know your boundaries unless you push them
You don't get to know who you are really unless you're tested