



Happiness Is A Side Effect Of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

Happiness is a Side Effect of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

Happiness is a Side Effect of Meaning | Proudly Made in the USA

It's a beautiful day to be alive here at the peak of recorded human history



Two epidemics that are interacting which each other
One is the loneliness, and the other is narcissism
I believe narcissicm has gone from something that people had and you could stay away from them
To something closer to an epidemic
And I think social media has done that
What I’ve learned about this narcissicm thing

I used to think it was people who thought they were great, thought they were great, thought they were great
I used to think it was people who thought they were great
This narcissism thing
It’s not about people thinking they’re great, thinking they’re great
It’s about people who have broken self esteem
Just completely broken
I tell you one of the, one of the most common things that people say to me as a celebrity type, when they get to know me
They say some version of, "Gosh, you're just like a regular person"
But why wouldn't I be?
There's nobody who's not a regular person
Except maybe Michael Jackson wasn't (ooh ooh)
If you get famous when you are too young you can be kinda weird
But, even Michael Jackson was he weirder then me, probably not, just different weirdness
Was he weirder then you, probably not, just different weirdness
And so there's something connecting this weirdness and self-esteem issue with a massive problem we are having in the country right now
Massive problem
Everybody is someone else's weirdo
Everybody is someone else's weirdo
Everybody is someone else's weirdo

Do you ever feel to yourself, man I'm so weird
If anybody found out how weird I am
I'd be in trouble, cause man I'm so weird
Well I would like to introduce to you
The basket case theory
Something I developed when I was a young man
To explain what I was witnessing, and it goes like this
If you meet a stranger, could be someone you want to date
Or just someone you work with, maybe just a friend
When you meet them, don't they seem pretty complete
Have their act together pretty well
Man that stranger (man that stranger)
I wish I could be like that stranger
Because that stranger doesn't have anything weird about them
They've got their act together, and on the inside pretty confident and pretty capable
And then time goes by and you learn more about your date or your friend or your co-worker
And suddenly there's a flaw, oh, I didn't see that on day one but there does seem to be a a flaw, maybe a little weirdness
Day 10 looks like there's more than one flaw, two years later
Take this kiss upon the brow
And, in parting from you now
Thus much let me avow
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day
In a vision, or in none
Is it therefore the less gone?
In a vision, or in none
Is it therefore the less gone?

All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream

Some things are in our control
And others not
Some things are in our control
And others not
Some things are in our control
And others not
Some things are in our control
And others not

Things in our control
Opinion, aim, desire, aversion and, in a word, whatever are our own actions
Whatever are our own actions
Things not in our control
Money, property, reputation, command and, in a word, whatever are not our own actions
Whatever are not our own actions
The things in our control are by nature free
