We just crossed our first 1000 subs on Twitch!
- 08 October, 2020

We just crossed our first 1000 subs on Twitch!
THANK YOU EVERYONE that helped us get here!
138 days ago, I was not a morning person, and never had been. I went to bed at around 5 am, and had been doing so my whole life. But I wanted to become a morning person, so that I could exist on the same schedule as my family. And I wanted to do a broadcast for my Meaningwave Family on the other side of the world who didn’t get to join us live for the Meaning Streams we do every evening on Youtube.
So that very day, I decided to kill two proverbial birds with one proverbial nuke, and created a Daily morning show. A non-negotiable reason to force myself to get up early every day. I started that next morning - why wait? And every morning since, I’ve got up early and got after it, no matter how tired I was, no matter how little sleep, I’d had… even when we were moving across the country from LA to Texas, we still checked in for that morning show every single day.
I decided to do it on a new (for me) platform - Twitch, rather than the easy win, Youtube, where we have over 50K subs. It is foolish to keep all one’s proverbial eggs in one proverbial bumbag after all. This was an opportunity to build something from scratch on a new platform.
Today, after 137 consecutive Morning Streams, we crossed out first thousand followers on that platform, and our daily streaming numbers have almost caught up with our numbers over on Youtube. We’re having a joyful time very day, and that is a beautiful thing to get to do, and the prefect foundation for an epic and hyper productive day… EVERY DAY.