I view social media
As a mirror
I think what people are putting out
Is an incredible indicator of what's inside of them
So right now there's a lot of political anxiety
There's a lot of ideological anxiety
And so what we're seeing is
A lot of judgment
We consume as animals
And I think if one feels overwhelmed
They should stop consuming
Stop consuming
I don't put social media consumption
In a very different place
Than the films and music
And books that one reads
The collective replies of people's angst
Is no different than Kurt Cobain's singular angst
And I think we're forgetting the upside
There's so much love and greatness going on every day
Forgetting the upside
Humans find what they're looking for
We're forgetting the upside
There's so much love and greatness going on every day
Forgetting the upside
Humans find what they're looking for
I think it's great
I don't care about social media
I really don't
I care about humans communicating with each other
I'm fascinated by communication
And I'm fascinated that we now have a collective ability
To communicate at a scale that we've never seen before
And I think right now
People are focusing on the downside of that
They're signing into Twitter to find a fight
Or to find somebody to fight with
To see some negativity
You're gonna find it
I think if you go to Twitter or Instagram
To find
Happiness and positivity
It's there
At scale
And I think we're forgetting the upside
There's so much love and greatness going on every day
Forgetting the upside
Humans finds what they're looking for
We're forgetting the upside
There's so much love and greatness going on every day
Forgetting the upside
Humans finds what they are looking for
As a mirror
I think what people are putting out
Is an incredible indicator of what's inside of them
So right now there's a lot of political anxiety
There's a lot of ideological anxiety
And so what we're seeing is
A lot of judgment
We consume as animals
And I think if one feels overwhelmed
They should stop consuming
Stop consuming
I don't put social media consumption
In a very different place
Than the films and music
And books that one reads
The collective replies of people's angst
Is no different than Kurt Cobain's singular angst
And I think we're forgetting the upside
There's so much love and greatness going on every day
Forgetting the upside
Humans find what they're looking for
We're forgetting the upside
There's so much love and greatness going on every day
Forgetting the upside
Humans find what they're looking for
I think it's great
I don't care about social media
I really don't
I care about humans communicating with each other
I'm fascinated by communication
And I'm fascinated that we now have a collective ability
To communicate at a scale that we've never seen before
And I think right now
People are focusing on the downside of that
They're signing into Twitter to find a fight
Or to find somebody to fight with
To see some negativity
You're gonna find it
I think if you go to Twitter or Instagram
To find
Happiness and positivity
It's there
At scale
And I think we're forgetting the upside
There's so much love and greatness going on every day
Forgetting the upside
Humans finds what they're looking for
We're forgetting the upside
There's so much love and greatness going on every day
Forgetting the upside
Humans finds what they are looking for
People lose 'cause they think it's gonna happen fast
When life is long
And so
I've been spending a lot of time on this
Just watching behaviors
Who's winning?
Who's winning is the person that likes what they do
It's true
Like, how many more fucking millionaires
Do I have to hang out with
That are gonna take their life
Or in deep depression
Or doing drugs and alcohol to deal with the pain
'Cause making $2.3 million a year
Brings them zero fucking happiness
And how many people do I have to hang out with
That make 87,000 a year
That sells Smurf T-shirts
On the Internet
And love fucking life
Shit's getting very clear for me
Maybe it's 'cause
I'm getting older now
But shit's getting very clear to me
It's pattern recognition
Life is very basic
We make it unbelievably complicated
We're unbelievably products of the DNA
And the parents and the environment we grew up on
And we have to really understand that
So, we know how to navigate the next step
I don't hear any of you
Let me say it one more time
I don't hear any of you
Can't hear you
Can't hear you!
How many people here fuck with my content
And they love it
Let me hear you!
Can't hear you
Can't hear you!
People lack the ability to put their life
In perspective
I've been pushing people lately
Who are 43-year-old entrepreneurs sending me emails
And they have a six-year-old child
They love their business, they're killing it
Things are going great
And my advice is to slow down
Take the next 12 years
Because they're telling me
What they know about themselves is
If they go to little Ricky and little Janet's Softball games and recitals
And if they hang out with them
And play Wii with them all day
That that's what's gonna make them happy
And then they think they're sending me an email
'Cause I'm the business guy
And I'm gonna tell them that's wrong
Are you out of your fucking mind?
You need to be happy
And if you're self-aware enough to know
That at 43 years old, you have six-year-old kids
That you wanna spend the next 12 years
Taking the foot off the pedal
So, you can allocate time to watch those kids grow
I've got tremendous news for you
You're just gonna be 55
And the baby, when they go to college
And they're not gonna wanna talk to you anyway
You're gonna been able to go all in
Do you know how liberating it is?
When people understand how young 59 years old is
Do you know how many people think
They're supposed to have their life figured out
At 18, 22, and 30
When the parents that are putting pressure on them
To figure out their lives
Don't have their lives figured out
How the fuck are you supposed to have your whole life figured out at 28 years old
It's ludicrous
We have such interesting macro theses in our society
That are crippling people
And the reason there's so much anxiety in the system now
Is we're all living our lives in public forums
And now taking on more judgment, not less
I don't hear any of you
Let me say it one more time
I don't hear any of you
Can't hear you
Can't hear you!
How many people here fuck with my content
And they love it
Let me hear you!
Can't hear you
Can't hear you!
Let me say it one more time
For all the people here, who think I fucking walk on water
I'm the best, I'm such a great dude
I can't fucking hear you
I can't fucking hear you
Let me explain why
Let me explain to you why I can't hear you
Because I have no interest on getting high
On my own supply
The reason
The reason, I can't hear you
Is the same reason that I can't hear the person
That leaves a comment that says I'm a snake oil salesman
Or my cursing is inappropriate, or I suck
Or I'm gonna burn out, or whatever else
I can't hear that fuck face either
And when, over the next 50 years of my life
I figure out how to produce more communications
To help you not hear it either
That is when I will start having more significant impact
Because when you don't hear anything
And I don't mean from just fattypants63
I mean from your dad
I mean from your spouse
When you
When you
Stop hearing things
Shit gets remarkable
When you stop hearing things
Shit gets remarkable
When you stop hearing things
Shit gets remarkable
When you stop hearing things
Shit gets remarkable
When you stop hearing things
Shit gets remarkable
When life is long
And so
I've been spending a lot of time on this
Just watching behaviors
Who's winning?
Who's winning is the person that likes what they do
It's true
Like, how many more fucking millionaires
Do I have to hang out with
That are gonna take their life
Or in deep depression
Or doing drugs and alcohol to deal with the pain
'Cause making $2.3 million a year
Brings them zero fucking happiness
And how many people do I have to hang out with
That make 87,000 a year
That sells Smurf T-shirts
On the Internet
And love fucking life
Shit's getting very clear for me
Maybe it's 'cause
I'm getting older now
But shit's getting very clear to me
It's pattern recognition
Life is very basic
We make it unbelievably complicated
We're unbelievably products of the DNA
And the parents and the environment we grew up on
And we have to really understand that
So, we know how to navigate the next step
I don't hear any of you
Let me say it one more time
I don't hear any of you
Can't hear you
Can't hear you!
How many people here fuck with my content
And they love it
Let me hear you!
Can't hear you
Can't hear you!
People lack the ability to put their life
In perspective
I've been pushing people lately
Who are 43-year-old entrepreneurs sending me emails
And they have a six-year-old child
They love their business, they're killing it
Things are going great
And my advice is to slow down
Take the next 12 years
Because they're telling me
What they know about themselves is
If they go to little Ricky and little Janet's Softball games and recitals
And if they hang out with them
And play Wii with them all day
That that's what's gonna make them happy
And then they think they're sending me an email
'Cause I'm the business guy
And I'm gonna tell them that's wrong
Are you out of your fucking mind?
You need to be happy
And if you're self-aware enough to know
That at 43 years old, you have six-year-old kids
That you wanna spend the next 12 years
Taking the foot off the pedal
So, you can allocate time to watch those kids grow
I've got tremendous news for you
You're just gonna be 55
And the baby, when they go to college
And they're not gonna wanna talk to you anyway
You're gonna been able to go all in
Do you know how liberating it is?
When people understand how young 59 years old is
Do you know how many people think
They're supposed to have their life figured out
At 18, 22, and 30
When the parents that are putting pressure on them
To figure out their lives
Don't have their lives figured out
How the fuck are you supposed to have your whole life figured out at 28 years old
It's ludicrous
We have such interesting macro theses in our society
That are crippling people
And the reason there's so much anxiety in the system now
Is we're all living our lives in public forums
And now taking on more judgment, not less
I don't hear any of you
Let me say it one more time
I don't hear any of you
Can't hear you
Can't hear you!
How many people here fuck with my content
And they love it
Let me hear you!
Can't hear you
Can't hear you!
Let me say it one more time
For all the people here, who think I fucking walk on water
I'm the best, I'm such a great dude
I can't fucking hear you
I can't fucking hear you
Let me explain why
Let me explain to you why I can't hear you
Because I have no interest on getting high
On my own supply
The reason
The reason, I can't hear you
Is the same reason that I can't hear the person
That leaves a comment that says I'm a snake oil salesman
Or my cursing is inappropriate, or I suck
Or I'm gonna burn out, or whatever else
I can't hear that fuck face either
And when, over the next 50 years of my life
I figure out how to produce more communications
To help you not hear it either
That is when I will start having more significant impact
Because when you don't hear anything
And I don't mean from just fattypants63
I mean from your dad
I mean from your spouse
When you
When you
Stop hearing things
Shit gets remarkable
When you stop hearing things
Shit gets remarkable
When you stop hearing things
Shit gets remarkable
When you stop hearing things
Shit gets remarkable
When you stop hearing things
Shit gets remarkable
People try to win like the '94 Knicks
79 to 76
I'm out here tryng to win
149 to 146
People try to win like the '94 Knicks
79 to 76
I'm out here trying to win
149 to 146
Back in the day
There was a really famous basketball college team
Loyola Marymount
They were winning college basketball games
Like 147 to 132
They would just run and shoot
They just pushed it
But every time I think about that team
That’s how I think about my life
And how I think about myself as an entrepreneur
Because once you stop hearing judgment
And you're not actually worried
About what people have to say
You can just go fast
You start doing shit
People try to win like the '94 Knicks
79 to 76
I'm out here trying to win
149 to 146
People try to win like the '94 Knicks
79 to 76
I'm out here trying to win
149 to 146
You know how many of you
Have a real passion
For some shit that isn't cool right now
And so, you're just not doing it
Yet it's exactly the right thing
The amount of friends I had
Back in the day that loved video games
But got off of it because they didn't see a career for it
Who now regret at 40
'Cause they were fucking great at it
And they could be the Tony Hawk of Esport
Right now
They could've been that OG
But they didn't just see it
Because they worried about judgment
And they didn't realize the world evolved
Like when I was six
I wanted to wash people's cars
When it snowed and we had snow days here
I was shoveling snow not making snowmen
If you see what I'm doing in garage sales
Around here in Jersey
Like, I'm not doing that for show
I fucking love it
See, I got real, real, real lucky
The luckiest shit on earth
Is the thing you love
Is the thing that you're best at
2x (Chorus)
People try to win like the '94 Knicks
79 to 76
I'm out here trying to win
149 to 146
People try to win like the '94 Knicks
79 to 76
I'm out here trying to win
149 to 146
People try to win like the '94 Knicks
79 to 76
I'm out here tryng to win
149 to 146
People try to win like the '94 Knicks
79 to 76
I'm out here trying to win
149 to 146
Back in the day
There was a really famous basketball college team
Loyola Marymount
They were winning college basketball games
Like 147 to 132
They would just run and shoot
They just pushed it
But every time I think about that team
That’s how I think about my life
And how I think about myself as an entrepreneur
Because once you stop hearing judgment
And you're not actually worried
About what people have to say
You can just go fast
You start doing shit
People try to win like the '94 Knicks
79 to 76
I'm out here trying to win
149 to 146
People try to win like the '94 Knicks
79 to 76
I'm out here trying to win
149 to 146
You know how many of you
Have a real passion
For some shit that isn't cool right now
And so, you're just not doing it
Yet it's exactly the right thing
The amount of friends I had
Back in the day that loved video games
But got off of it because they didn't see a career for it
Who now regret at 40
'Cause they were fucking great at it
And they could be the Tony Hawk of Esport
Right now
They could've been that OG
But they didn't just see it
Because they worried about judgment
And they didn't realize the world evolved
Like when I was six
I wanted to wash people's cars
When it snowed and we had snow days here
I was shoveling snow not making snowmen
If you see what I'm doing in garage sales
Around here in Jersey
Like, I'm not doing that for show
I fucking love it
See, I got real, real, real lucky
The luckiest shit on earth
Is the thing you love
Is the thing that you're best at
2x (Chorus)
People try to win like the '94 Knicks
79 to 76
I'm out here trying to win
149 to 146
People try to win like the '94 Knicks
79 to 76
I'm out here trying to win
149 to 146
Something I've been thinking about a lot
It’s just this notion of the clouds and the dirt
I don't spend any time
On the things that don't matter
And what doesn't matter is basically everything in between
The overall vision and strategy
And the real knowledge of it
The clouds are the high-end philosophy and beliefs
That are at the heart of everything I am personally
And everything I do professionally
Personally, it's really simple
Family first
Professionally, it’s not that much different
99% of what we deal with doesn't matter
If you religiously follow just a few core philosophies
That mean most to you
Everything else will naturally fall into place
Being an actual practitioner
It's the hard work
Being a good spouse, parent, son, sibling, and friend
Professionally, it is knowing my craft
I'm super not interested in being fancy
I'm willing to work
I'm never gonna forget what I'm about
And I do unscalable, not the right use of my time shit
50% of my day every day for the rest of my life
'Cause I love the fucking clouds and dirt
I love the fucking clouds and dirt
Clouds, dirt, clouds
I love the fucking clouds and dirt
Clouds and dirt
Clouds, dirt, clouds, dirt
People don't understand is, that the dirt is so important
Because unless you actually have the skills
Your reputation or what you did the day before
Or who your mama is
Isn't gonna impact your success
Your success is gonna be predicated by the dirt
And the dirt is a mixture of having the work ethic
To get your hands dirty
And then the experience predicated
From actually doing the work
If you're not working on your craft
If you got too fancy to keep doing your thing, you lose
That's why I love comedians that still go to small clubs
Seinfeld in his prime Just going to bullshit clubs in the middle of America
And working on his craft
It's dirt
It's never getting too fancy
To get away from what got you there in the first place
That's how people lose
Clouds and dirt
I love the fucking clouds and dirt
Clouds, dirt, clouds
I love the fucking clouds and dirt
Clouds and dirt
Clouds, dirt, clouds, dirt
There’s too many people who are average at what they do
At what they do
And then confused by their average results
Everyone has their own definition of clouds and dirt
But if there's any advice that I can offer you
That will change the entire trajectory of your career
It's to start pushing at both edges
Raise the bar of your business philosophy
Dig deeper into your craft
(Get after it)
You want to make sure
That you're equally an architect and a mason
You've got to be able to simultaneously
Think at high level
And get your hands dirty
You gotta get after it
Clouds and dirt
Clouds and dirt
Clouds, dirt, clouds
I love the fucking clouds and dirt
Clouds and dirt
Clouds, dirt, clouds, dirt
A lot of times people don't have one or the other
They're too stuck in the minutiae to take a picture
They don't know how to navigate
Or they get it philosophically, but they don't have the skills
Or the appetite to actually be able to do it right
Know the details, know the philosophy
Then don't worry about all the minutiae in the middle
The politics, the process
All the crap that does not matter
And that's it, just spend all my time
In the clouds and the dirt
It’s just this notion of the clouds and the dirt
I don't spend any time
On the things that don't matter
And what doesn't matter is basically everything in between
The overall vision and strategy
And the real knowledge of it
The clouds are the high-end philosophy and beliefs
That are at the heart of everything I am personally
And everything I do professionally
Personally, it's really simple
Family first
Professionally, it’s not that much different
99% of what we deal with doesn't matter
If you religiously follow just a few core philosophies
That mean most to you
Everything else will naturally fall into place
Being an actual practitioner
It's the hard work
Being a good spouse, parent, son, sibling, and friend
Professionally, it is knowing my craft
I'm super not interested in being fancy
I'm willing to work
I'm never gonna forget what I'm about
And I do unscalable, not the right use of my time shit
50% of my day every day for the rest of my life
'Cause I love the fucking clouds and dirt
I love the fucking clouds and dirt
Clouds, dirt, clouds
I love the fucking clouds and dirt
Clouds and dirt
Clouds, dirt, clouds, dirt
People don't understand is, that the dirt is so important
Because unless you actually have the skills
Your reputation or what you did the day before
Or who your mama is
Isn't gonna impact your success
Your success is gonna be predicated by the dirt
And the dirt is a mixture of having the work ethic
To get your hands dirty
And then the experience predicated
From actually doing the work
If you're not working on your craft
If you got too fancy to keep doing your thing, you lose
That's why I love comedians that still go to small clubs
Seinfeld in his prime Just going to bullshit clubs in the middle of America
And working on his craft
It's dirt
It's never getting too fancy
To get away from what got you there in the first place
That's how people lose
Clouds and dirt
I love the fucking clouds and dirt
Clouds, dirt, clouds
I love the fucking clouds and dirt
Clouds and dirt
Clouds, dirt, clouds, dirt
There’s too many people who are average at what they do
At what they do
And then confused by their average results
Everyone has their own definition of clouds and dirt
But if there's any advice that I can offer you
That will change the entire trajectory of your career
It's to start pushing at both edges
Raise the bar of your business philosophy
Dig deeper into your craft
(Get after it)
You want to make sure
That you're equally an architect and a mason
You've got to be able to simultaneously
Think at high level
And get your hands dirty
You gotta get after it
Clouds and dirt
Clouds and dirt
Clouds, dirt, clouds
I love the fucking clouds and dirt
Clouds and dirt
Clouds, dirt, clouds, dirt
A lot of times people don't have one or the other
They're too stuck in the minutiae to take a picture
They don't know how to navigate
Or they get it philosophically, but they don't have the skills
Or the appetite to actually be able to do it right
Know the details, know the philosophy
Then don't worry about all the minutiae in the middle
The politics, the process
All the crap that does not matter
And that's it, just spend all my time
In the clouds and the dirt
As the pressure grew
How do you
As an international speaker
With all of your attention
How do you cope with all of the pressure?
In terms of hate and everything that goes on
Um, quite easily
From a very basic thing
I know what my intent is
And I'm very grounded in it
And I deploy enormous amounts of empathy
To my haters
When somebody leaves a comment
That I'm a charlatan
Or a snake oil salesman
Or my daddy gave me the money to build the liquor store
And I shouldn't be listened to
I understand why they say that
I know it's not true
It feeds me
In a very good way
And so, for me, to be very honest with you
It's been very easy
Because when your intent is pure
I think about succeeding in one very simple story
There are two ways, my friends
To build the biggest building in town
Step number one
Just build the biggest building in town
Build the biggest building in town
Step number one
Step number one
Just build the biggest building in town
Build the biggest building in town
Step number two
Build a decent-sized building
And then spend all your time trying to tear
Everybody else's building around you down
So, you end up being
The biggest building in town
My friend
95% of people try to do number two
But when you know you can build
The fucking biggest building in town
You do that
You do that
And so, because I know what my intent is
I just don't value anybody's opinion
About me
Including my parents and wife and children
More than I value my opinion about myself
2x (Chorus)
Just build the biggest building in town
Build the biggest building in town
Step number one
Step number one
Just build the biggest building in town
Build the biggest building in town
How do you
As an international speaker
With all of your attention
How do you cope with all of the pressure?
In terms of hate and everything that goes on
Um, quite easily
From a very basic thing
I know what my intent is
And I'm very grounded in it
And I deploy enormous amounts of empathy
To my haters
When somebody leaves a comment
That I'm a charlatan
Or a snake oil salesman
Or my daddy gave me the money to build the liquor store
And I shouldn't be listened to
I understand why they say that
I know it's not true
It feeds me
In a very good way
And so, for me, to be very honest with you
It's been very easy
Because when your intent is pure
I think about succeeding in one very simple story
There are two ways, my friends
To build the biggest building in town
Step number one
Just build the biggest building in town
Build the biggest building in town
Step number one
Step number one
Just build the biggest building in town
Build the biggest building in town
Step number two
Build a decent-sized building
And then spend all your time trying to tear
Everybody else's building around you down
So, you end up being
The biggest building in town
My friend
95% of people try to do number two
But when you know you can build
The fucking biggest building in town
You do that
You do that
And so, because I know what my intent is
I just don't value anybody's opinion
About me
Including my parents and wife and children
More than I value my opinion about myself
2x (Chorus)
Just build the biggest building in town
Build the biggest building in town
Step number one
Step number one
Just build the biggest building in town
Build the biggest building in town